Title: Zosterin Ultra 60% – Natural Pectin-Based Enterosorbent (5 x 0.5g Sachets)
Product Description
Zosterin Ultra 60% is a highly effective natural pectin-based enterosorbent, presented in convenient 5 x 0.5g sachets. Pectin, a natural fiber, exhibits potent hemo- and entero-sorbent properties, binding to and eliminating harmful toxins and substances from the blood, lymph, tissues, and gastrointestinal tract. Unlike other sorbents, Zosterin Ultra is completely eliminated through the kidneys, preventing any build-up within the body. Its unique properties also extend to immune modulation, supporting the body’s natural defenses.
Key Benefits of Zosterin Ultra 60%
- Digestive Health: Supports the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers, improves digestion, and aids in weight management. Assists in restoring pancreatic function in both acute and chronic pancreatitis.
- Cholesterol Management: Contributes to lower blood cholesterol levels, helping prevent atherosclerosis.
- Metabolic Support: Improves metabolism and may be used as a complementary treatment for diabetes.
- Liver Support: Accelerates liver recovery in cases of hepatitis.
- Allergy Relief: Effective in managing various allergies.
- Immune System Support: Provides immune modulation, supporting the body’s natural defenses and helping prevent colds and flu.
- Antibiotic Side Effect Reduction: Helps mitigate side effects associated with antibiotic use.
- Detoxification: Effective in preventing and treating professional illnesses, including poisoning from metals, their compounds, and other toxins.
- Safe for Children: Dosage adjustments are provided for children aged 3 and above.
Indications & Dosage
- Gastrointestinal Disorders: For conditions such as peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and intestinal dysbiosis, follow the specific dosage instructions below.
- In Combination with Other Medications: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1 gram twice daily (morning at least 30 minutes before meals, evening 2 hours after the last meal) for 10 days.
- Standalone Use (excluding dysbiosis and biliary dyskinesia): Zosterin Ultra 30% – as above for 20 days, followed by a 5-day break. Then, switch to Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily (as above) for 10 days.
- Food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1 gram twice daily for 10 days, followed by Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily for 5 days.
- Non-Food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily for 10 days.
- Poisoning (including alcohol and drug-related): Zosterin Ultra 60% – 1g twice daily every 6 hours for 5 days. Increase to 2g twice daily for severe cases.
- Gastrointestinal Prophylaxis: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1g twice daily for 10 days, followed by a 3-month break. Repeat 3-4 times annually.
- Ages 3-12: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 0.5g; Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.25g (follow adult instructions for timing).
- Under 3 years: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 0.25g (follow adult instructions for timing).
- Adults: Empty the sachet(s) into a clean glass, add 100-200ml of hot water, stir, and drink after 3-5 minutes.
- Children (3-12 years): Use 50ml of hot water.
- Children (under 3 years): Empty into a tablespoon, add hot water, stir, and drink after 3-5 minutes.
Note: A suitable diet should be followed when treating gastrointestinal disorders. The color of the product may vary from light beige to dark brown due to its natural properties.
Manufacturer: AquaMir LLC