Zosterin Ultra 60% (2 x 10 Sachets): Natural Pectin-Based Enterosorbent
Zosterin Ultra is a powerful, natural pectin-based enterosorbent that effectively removes harmful substances from the body. Its unique properties facilitate hemoadsorption (binding and removing toxins from blood, lymph, and internal organs), enteroadsorption (removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract), and immunomodulation (supporting immune system function). Unlike other sorbents, Zosterin Ultra is completely eliminated through the kidneys, preventing accumulation within the body and avoiding the risk of habituation.
Zosterin Ultra offers a wide range of health benefits, including:
- Gastrointestinal Health: Helps prevent and heal gastric and duodenal ulcers, improves digestion, and supports weight management. Effective in treating pancreatitis (both acute and chronic).
- Cardiovascular Support: Lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis.
- Metabolic Regulation: Supports healthy metabolism and may be used as a complementary therapy for diabetes.
- Liver Health: Accelerates liver recovery in cases of hepatitis.
- Allergy Relief: Effective in treating allergies of various origins.
- Immune System Support: Helps prevent colds and flu.
- Toxicity Reduction: Counteracts side effects of medications (e.g., antibiotics) and effectively treats poisoning from metals, their compounds, and other toxins.
Indications and Usage:
Zosterin Ultra is indicated for a variety of conditions, including:
- Digestive Disorders: Peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, intestinal dysbiosis, and others.
- Food Allergies: Effective in treating food-related childhood eczema (diathesis).
- Non-Food Allergies: Provides relief from non-food-related allergies.
- Poisoning: Effective against various types of poisoning, including alcohol and drug overdose.
- Prophylaxis: Acts as a powerful preventative measure for gastrointestinal diseases in both children and adults, as well as colds and flu.
Dosage and Administration:
Adults: Dissolve the contents of one or more sachets in 100-200ml of hot water, stir, and drink after 3-5 minutes. Dosage varies depending on the condition and may involve a combination of Zosterin Ultra 30% and 60% strengths, taken twice daily, with precise timing instructions provided by your physician or the detailed instructions below. Refer to the specific usage instructions below based on the condition.
Detailed Dosage Instructions (Consult a doctor for personalized guidance):
- Digestive Disorders (combined therapy): Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1g twice daily (morning at least 30 minutes before a meal, evening 2 hours after the last meal) for 10 days.
- Digestive Disorders (Zosterin Ultra only, excluding dysbiosis and biliary dyskinesia): Zosterin Ultra 30% – as above for 20 days, followed by a 5-day break, then Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily for 10 days.
- Food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1g twice daily for 10 days, followed by Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily for 5 days.
- Non-Food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g twice daily for 10 days.
- Poisoning (mild): Zosterin Ultra 60% – 1g twice daily, 6 hours apart, for 5 days.
- Poisoning (severe): Zosterin Ultra 60% – 2g twice daily, 6 hours apart, for 5 days.
- Prophylaxis (adults): Zosterin Ultra 30% – 1g twice daily for 10 days, repeat 3-4 times per year with 3-month breaks.
- Prophylaxis (colds & flu): Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.5g once daily in the evening for 5 days. For treatment, use the dosage for non-food allergies.
- Children (3-12 years): Zosterin Ultra 30% – 0.5g; Zosterin Ultra 60% – 0.25g. Adjust dosage based on the instructions above.
- Children (under 3 years): Zosterin Ultra 30% – 0.25g.
Preparation for Children: For children aged 3-12, dissolve the sachet contents in 50ml of hot water. For children under 3 years, dissolve in a tablespoon of hot water.
Important Notes:
Always follow the dosage and administration instructions carefully. Consult your doctor for personalized advice. Variations in color and grain size are natural. Maintain a suitable diet when treating gastrointestinal disorders.
Store at room temperature, protect from moisture.
AquaWorld LLC
Zosterin Ultra, pectin, enterosorbent, hemoadsorption, enteroadsorption, immunomodulation, detoxification, gastrointestinal health, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholesterol, diabetes, hepatitis, allergies, poisoning, prophylaxis, cold, flu, natural remedy, dietary supplement, Zosterin Ultra 60%, Zosterin Ultra 30%, pectin powder.