Title: Zosterin Ultra 30% – Natural Pectin-Based Enterosorbent (10 x 1g Sachets)
Enhanced Description
Zosterin Ultra 30% is a natural pectin-based dietary supplement offering powerful detoxification and immune support. Its high-pectin formula facilitates:
- Hemosorption: Binds and eliminates toxins from the blood, lymph, and internal organs. Pectin is completely eliminated through the kidneys, preventing accumulation.
- Enterosorption: Effectively binds and removes harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Immunomodulation: Modulates the immune response by influencing the interaction between immune cells and antigens.
Benefits of Zosterin Ultra 30%
- Digestive Health: Helps prevent and heal peptic ulcers, improves digestion, and supports weight management. Supports pancreatic function in acute and chronic pancreatitis.
- Cardiovascular Support: Lowers blood cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis.
- Metabolic Support: Improves metabolism and can be used as an adjunct in diabetes management.
- Liver Support: Accelerates liver recovery in hepatitis.
- Allergy Relief: Effective in treating various allergies.
- Immune System Boost: Helps prevent colds and influenza.
- Medication Side Effect Reduction: Reduces side effects associated with medications, including antibiotics.
- Toxic Metal Detoxification: Effective in preventing and treating occupational exposures to metals, their compounds, and other toxins.
Polygalacturonic acids.
Individual intolerance to product components.
Dosage and Administration
- For digestive disorders (ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, dysbiosis, etc.): 1 gram twice daily, at least 30 minutes before breakfast and 2 hours after the last evening meal, for 10 days. Use in conjunction with other prescribed medications as directed by your healthcare professional.
- For other conditions (excluding dysbiosis and biliary dyskinesia): 1 gram twice daily (as described above) for 20 days. Follow with a 5-day break, then switch to Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g twice daily for 10 days).
- Ages 3-12: Zosterin Ultra 30% (0.5g) or Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.25g) as per adult dosage instructions.
- Under 3 years: Zosterin Ultra 30% (0.25g) as per adult dosage instructions.
Specific Conditions and Dosage Recommendations
- Food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 30% (1g twice daily for 10 days), then Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g twice daily for 5 days). Children’s dosages as described above.
- Non-food Allergies: Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g twice daily for 10 days). Children’s dosages as described above.
- Infectious Diseases (viral, protozoal, hepatitis, tuberculosis): Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g twice daily for 10 days). Repeat course after 1 month, up to 6 times per year. Children’s dosages as described above.
- Intoxications (alcohol, drugs, etc.): Zosterin Ultra 60% (1g twice daily, 6-hour intervals, for 5 days). For severe intoxications, increase to 2g twice daily (6-hour intervals) for 5 days.
- Prophylaxis of Gastrointestinal Diseases: Zosterin Ultra 30% (1g twice daily for 10 days), repeated 3-4 times per year with 3-month intervals. Children’s dosages as described above.
- Colds and Flu Prevention/Treatment: Preventive: Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g once daily, 2 hours after the last evening meal, for 5 days). Treatment: Zosterin Ultra 60% (0.5g twice daily for 10 days). Children’s dosages as described above.
Note: A suitable diet should be followed for gastrointestinal disorders. Consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have underlying health conditions.
AquaWorld LLC
Keywords: Zosterin Ultra, Zosterin Ultra 30%, pectin, enterosorbent, hemosorbent, detox, detoxification, immune support, digestive health, ulcer treatment, pancreatitis, cholesterol, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, allergies, food allergies, intoxications, cold prevention, flu prevention, children’s health, natural supplement, polygalacturonic acids.