Title: Zorkiy Vzglyad Alcohol-Free Balm: Naturally Enhanced Vision Support (250ml)
Zorkiy Vzglyad alcohol-free balm supports eye health naturally. A unique blend of bilberry, eyebright, and Altai honey replenishes essential vitamins for improved vision. Experience reduced eye strain, sharper vision, and enhanced color perception with regular use.
Product Description:
Zorkiy Vzglyad (“Sharp Sight”) alcohol-free balm offers a natural approach to supporting eye health. This delicious blend combines the power of bilberry, eyebright, and pure Altai honey to replenish vital vitamins crucial for maintaining healthy eyesight. Regular consumption helps alleviate eye strain, improve visual acuity, and enhance color perception.
Rosehip fruit, bilberry fruit, eyebright herb, chamomile flower, raspberry leaf, bird cherry fruit, couch grass rhizome, strawberry leaf, thyme herb, purified water, granulated sugar, natural honey, citric acid, black chokeberry juice.
Suggested Use:
Consume 1-2 teaspoons daily. Enjoy on its own, or add to tea, juice, mineral water, milk, or other beverages.
Shelf Life:
24 months
This product is not a medicine.