Title: Zeta Plus Impression Kit: High-Precision C-Silicone for Dentistry
The Zeta Plus impression kit provides a complete solution for creating highly accurate dental impressions. This premium kit includes 900ml of Zetaplus base material, 140ml of Oranwash L wash, and 60ml of Indurent Gel, along with a mixing pad featuring a dosage scale. Ideal for crowns, prosthetics, and removable dentures, Zeta Plus is a high-viscosity, thixotropic C-silicone offering exceptional dimensional stability and ease of use. Key features include a pleasant mint aroma, a 4-minute 30-second setting time, and a 3-minute 15-second intraoral time. The kit facilitates a two-phase impression technique, resulting in consistently precise and long-lasting impressions for optimal prosthetic fabrication. Experience superior accuracy and efficiency with Zeta Plus.