Title: Trishun Zandu Ayurvedic Tablets: Antiviral, Cold & Flu Relief (30 Tablets)
Trishun Zandu is a potent, all-natural Ayurvedic antiviral and anti-inflammatory herbal remedy. Unlike many pharmaceuticals, Trishun doesn’t suppress the immune system; instead, it strengthens it. Based on ancient Ayurvedic formulations, its powerful blend of over 40 herbs offers broad-spectrum antiviral protection.
While widely known for its effectiveness against cold and flu symptoms, Trishun’s benefits extend far beyond simple respiratory ailments. Ayurvedic practitioners and user reviews consistently highlight its efficacy in treating a wide range of viral and infectious conditions. This includes:
- Respiratory Infections: Flu, cold, sore throat, upper respiratory infections (URIs), pneumonia, tuberculosis, laryngitis.
- Other Infections: Stomatits, periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis), hepatitis, pancreatic and liver disorders, gallbladder issues, digestive problems, eye infections (e.g., styes), headaches, general weakness, wound infections, typhoid fever, and malaria.
How Trishun Works:
Trishun’s therapeutic power stems from its rich herbal composition. Sharing a base with Sudarshan Churna (featuring over 40 medicinal plants), it’s further enhanced with herbs from Tribhwan Kirti Ras. This unique blend helps regulate the body’s internal temperature (Sama Agni), maintaining optimal levels even during illness. It reduces excess heat during fever and supports normal temperature when it’s low.
Barberry extract, ginger, black pepper, moringa extract, Himalayan cedar essential oil, haritaki extract, bibhitaki extract, kantakari, amla.
Take 1 tablet twice daily with warm water, tea, or coffee.
30 tablets per blister pack.
Trishun, Zandu, Ayurvedic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, cold, flu, relief, tablets, herbal remedy, immune system booster, respiratory infections, natural medicine, Sudarshan Churna, Tribhwan Kirti Ras, Sama Agni, barberry, ginger, black pepper, moringa, Himalayan cedar, haritaki, bibhitaki, kantakari, amla, cold and flu remedy, natural antiviral, herbal supplement, Ayurveda, immune support, infection treatment.