Title: Zandu Nityam Ayurvedic Laxative Tablets (10 Count) – Gentle Relief from Constipation
Description: Experience gentle and effective relief from constipation with Zandu Nityam Ayurvedic Laxative Tablets. These 10 count tablets, crafted with natural ingredients, promote healthy digestion and bowel regularity. Zandu Nityam helps normalize gut flora, reduce bloating and gas, and alleviate even chronic constipation pain. Unlike harsh chemical laxatives, this Ayurvedic formula is gentle on the intestinal lining, preventing micro-tears and toxin buildup. It’s a non-habit-forming solution for occasional constipation and supports a healthy digestive system. While some use it as part of a weight management plan or detox program, its primary function is to provide natural relief from constipation.
Keywords: Zandu Nityam, Ayurvedic laxative, constipation relief, natural laxative, digestive health, gut health, bloating, gas, chronic constipation, weight management, detox, Ayurvedic medicine, herbal laxative, India, Zandu, 10 tablets, gentle laxative, non-habit forming laxative, bowel regularity.