Title: Yuwa Aojiru Classic Barley Grass Powder (50 Sachets) – Japanese Superfood for Immunity, Detox, & Weight Management
Experience the revitalizing power of Yuwa Aojiru Classic, a traditional Japanese barley grass powder drink packed with nutrients for enhanced well-being. Made from young barley shoots, this vibrant green powder is rich in chlorophyll, a natural source of oxygen crucial for cellular health and energy. Start your day feeling refreshed and invigorated with its uplifting properties.
Aojiru supports a strong immune system and helps your body defend against external stressors. Its high fiber content promotes healthy digestion, boosts metabolism, and gently cleanses the digestive tract. Noticeably improving hair and nail growth, as well as skin texture and clarity, it aids in the body’s natural regeneration process. This powerful detoxifier effectively eliminates toxins and combats body odor.
Yuwa Aojiru is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and trace elements. Our rigorous quality control, from harvest to packaging (completed within 24 hours), ensures the highest standards. The barley leaves’ unique antioxidant enzymes help slow down aging, while also contributing to healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Its metabolism-boosting properties can support weight management goals.
Made in Japan, Yuwa Aojiru Classic is a holistic approach to wellness, offering preventative and supportive benefits for various health concerns with its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. For optimal results, we recommend daily consumption for at least 3 months. Each box contains 50 convenient 3g sachets.