Title: Yu-Refol #23: Powerful Antiparasitic Herbal Blend for Immune Support & Detox
Yu-Refol #23 is a potent antiparasitic and antimicrobial herbal blend formulated to boost your immune system and promote overall well-being. This 150g blend of 25 carefully selected herbs, including elderberry, reishi mushroom, birch buds, pine buds, bog rosemary, and string, works synergistically to combat parasites, bacteria, and viruses. It supports immune function, enhances phagocytic activity of leukocytes, and aids in detoxification. Yu-Refol #23 is recommended for the prevention and treatment of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, chronic bacterial infections, and inflammatory conditions affecting both men and women. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties contribute to improved digestion, stress reduction, and increased energy levels. This detoxifying tea, ideal for weight management when combined with a healthy diet, promotes the natural cleansing of toxins and parasites from the body. Sourced from the pristine regions of Altai, Caucasus, Bashkiria, Krasnodar Krai, and the Far East, Yu-Refol #23 offers a delicious and effective way to support your health and vitality. Simply steep 2-4 teaspoons in boiling water (1 cup) for a refreshing and beneficial brew.
Yu-Refol #23, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, herbal blend, immune support, detox tea, weight management, parasite cleanse, gut health, natural remedies, elderberry, reishi mushroom, birch buds, pine buds, bog rosemary, string, Altai herbs, Caucasus herbs, Bashkiria herbs, Krasnodar Krai herbs, Far East herbs, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune boosting, viral infection, bacterial infection, women’s health, men’s health, natural detox, weight loss support, herbal tea, phytotherapy, traditional medicine.