Title: Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs XXL (3 Packs of 10) – 132-190cm Waist, Heavy Incontinence, Laying Down Patients
Yibero adult diaper briefs offer superior protection for individuals experiencing moderate to heavy incontinence, providing comfort and confidence for an active lifestyle or those requiring assistance. These disposable briefs boast instant absorbency, effectively locking away wetness and odors for all-day and all-night dryness. Each pack contains 10 breathable and comfortable briefs, perfect for daily use and care for elderly or immobile individuals.
Designed for both men and women, these adult diapers feature a soft, breathable, cotton-like outer layer that prevents skin irritation and chafing. Airflow is maximized through breathable materials strategically placed around the thighs, pelvic area, and sacrum for enhanced comfort and to prevent overheating. The elastic waistband ensures a comfortable and secure fit. A super-absorbent core quickly wicks away moisture, while double leak guards and comfortable leg cuffs provide superior protection against leaks and odors. The internal layer combines fluff pulp, cellulose, SAP, and fabric for optimal absorbency (2900ml for XXL). A blue line on the front of the brief clearly indicates the front and back for easy application.
Key Features:
- High Absorbency: XXL size holds up to 2900ml.
- Breathable & Soft: Cotton-like material for maximum comfort and to prevent skin irritation.
- Superior Leak Protection: Double leak guards and comfortable leg cuffs prevent leaks.
- Odor Control: Effectively locks away unpleasant odors.
- Easy to Use: Clear front and back indicator; simple tear-away sides for easy removal.
- Reusable (while dry): Can be worn and removed multiple times if dry.
- Ideal for: Moderate to heavy incontinence, active individuals, and bedridden patients.
- Size XXL: Waist circumference 132-190cm (52-75 inches)
- Packaging: 3 packs of 10 briefs each.
- Materials: Non-woven outer layer; fluff pulp, cellulose, SAP, and fabric inner layer; fabric backing.
- Identify the front and back using the blue line on the front. Ensure the blue line is at the back.
- Remove like regular underwear or tear along the perforated waistband.
- If soiled, tear both sides, supporting the bottom with one hand, then remove from the crotch area.
- Turn the used briefs inside out and dispose of them using the designated fastening tape.
Size Chart:
- M (760x590mm): 2000ml absorbency, 86-130cm waist
- L (800x710mm): 2200ml absorbency, 100-145cm waist
- XL (880x850mm): 2500ml absorbency, 115-165cm waist
- XXL (dimensions not specified): 2900ml absorbency, 132-190cm waist
Note: Dimensions are approximate. Dimensions for XXL are missing from original text and could be added for further enhancement.