Title: Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs XXL (30 Count) – Maximum Absorbency for Heavy Incontinence
Experience superior comfort and protection with Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs, XXL (size 6), designed for individuals with moderate to severe incontinence. These high-absorbency briefs offer a discreet and reliable solution for active seniors, those recovering from surgery, or individuals with mobility challenges. With a waist circumference of 132-190 cm (52-75 inches), these comfortable briefs provide a secure and comfortable fit.
Maximum Absorbency & Comfort:
Each pack contains 30 individually wrapped briefs (3 packs of 10). The dual-layer absorbent core, featuring Japanese superabsorbent material and ADL technology, boasts an impressive 2900ml capacity, providing up to 8 hours of reliable protection. The soft, breathable top sheet made of non-woven material prevents chafing and keeps skin dry. The inner layer utilizes American-made soft cellulose for enhanced comfort.
Discreet & Easy to Use:
Designed for ease of use, these adult diaper briefs tear easily at the sides for quick and simple changes. A discreet wetness indicator signals when a change is needed, and a convenient disposal tab simplifies waste management. A blue line on the front helps with correct positioning. The elastic leg cuffs provide a secure, leak-proof fit without restricting movement.
Designed for Active Living:
Unlike traditional diapers, Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs are designed to feel like regular underwear, allowing for comfortable movement and participation in daily activities. They’re ideal for both daytime and nighttime use.
Yibero: A Trusted Brand:
Yibero is a leading brand in adult incontinence products, renowned for its commitment to quality, comfort, and superior absorbency. Our adult diaper briefs consistently outperform competitors, providing users with the confidence and peace of mind they deserve. Experience the Yibero difference today.
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