Title: Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs XL (10 Count) – Maximum Absorbency for Moderate to Severe Incontinence
Experience superior comfort and protection with Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs, designed for individuals with moderate to severe incontinence. These breathable, disposable briefs offer exceptional absorbency, locking away wetness and odor for all-day and night confidence. Each pack contains 10 XL briefs, perfectly sized for a waist circumference of 115-165cm (45-65 inches).
Maximum Protection & Comfort:
- High Absorbency: Our super-absorbent core handles up to 2500ml of fluid, providing reliable protection against leaks and odors.
- Breathable Design: Made with soft, skin-friendly, breathable materials including cotton, to minimize irritation and chafing. Air circulation is maximized around the thighs, hips, and sacrum.
- Leak-Proof Barriers: Double leak guards and comfortable leg cuffs prevent leakage, ensuring ultimate discretion.
- Easy to Use: Simply pull on and off like regular underwear, or tear along the side seams for easy removal. A blue line indicates the front and back for correct placement.
- Convenient Disposal: Secure fasteners allow for easy and hygienic disposal.
Ideal for:
- Individuals with moderate to severe incontinence
- Active lifestyles
- Seniors and the elderly
- People with limited mobility
Key Features:
- Size XL: Waist circumference 115-165cm (45-65 inches)
- Absorbency: 2500ml
- Material: Non-woven top sheet, fluff pulp, SAP, cellulose inner layer, soft fabric backing.
- Re-fastenable: Briefs can be worn multiple times if dry.
- Suitable for: Men and Women
- Quantity: 10 per pack
Instructions for Use:
- Identify the front and back using the blue line (blue line should be at the back).
- Remove as you would regular underwear, or tear along the side seams.
- For fecal incontinence, tear both sides, supporting the bottom with one hand before pulling from the crotch.
- Turn the used briefs inside out and use the fastening tabs for disposal.
Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs provide reliable protection and comfortable wear, allowing you to maintain an active and confident lifestyle.
adult diapers, adult briefs, incontinence briefs, disposable diapers, heavy incontinence, moderate incontinence, overnight diapers, elderly care, senior care, breathable diapers, absorbent diapers, leak proof diapers, comfortable diapers, Yibero diapers, XL diapers, 2500ml absorbency, 115-165cm waist, adult incontinence products, disposable adult underwear, diaper pants, adult pull-ups.