Title: Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs (100 Count, Size M, Waist 34″-39″) – 10 Packs of 10
Experience superior comfort and protection with Yibero Adult Diaper Briefs, designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence or an active lifestyle. These disposable briefs offer instant absorbency, superior wetness retention, and effective odor blocking. Each pack contains 10 individually wrapped briefs, providing a convenient and hygienic solution for daily needs.
Exceptional Comfort & Protection:
- High Absorbency: With a 2000ml absorbency capacity, these adult diapers provide reliable protection day and night, preventing leaks and discomfort. (Size L: 2200ml, XL: 2500ml)
- Soft & Breathable Material: The outer layer is made from a soft, breathable, cotton-like material, gentle on the skin and reducing the risk of irritation and rashes. Air circulation is maximized around the thighs, hips, and sacrum.
- Secure Fit: The elastic waistband and leg cuffs provide a comfortable and secure fit, preventing leaks and ensuring all-day confidence.
- Discreet Design: A subtle blue line on the front of the brief clearly indicates the front and back for easy and dignified application.
- Easy to Use: Designed for simple application and removal, these briefs can be easily donned and doffed like regular underwear, or torn apart for disposal using the convenient tear-away sides.
Product Specifications:
- Brand: Yibero
- Type: Adult Diaper Briefs
- Size: Medium (M) – Waist 34″-39″ (86-100cm) (Dimensions: 760 x 590 mm)
- Absorbency: 2000ml
- Quantity: 100 count (10 packs of 10)
- Materials: Non-woven outer layer; Fluff pulp, cellulose, SAP, and fabric inner layer; Fabric backing layer.
- Suitable for: Men and women.
Convenient and Discreet Disposal:
- Identify the front and back using the blue line indicator.
- Remove like regular underwear, or tear along the side seams.
- In case of bowel movements, tear along both sides while holding the bottom, then remove from the perineum.
- Turn the used brief inside out and secure with the provided adhesive strip for hygienic disposal.
Ideal for:
Individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence, those with limited mobility, and active individuals seeking reliable protection and comfort. Provides day and night protection.
Sizes Available:
M, L, XL (see description for details)