Title: 2L Yellow Medical Waste Container with Needle Destroyer (10 Pack)
This 2-liter yellow medical waste container with integrated needle destroyer from Oldans is designed for the safe disposal of sharp medical waste, complying with SanPiN standards. Manufactured from high-strength, puncture-resistant polymer composite material, this container is hermetically sealed and non-disassemblable, ready for immediate use.
The integrated needle destroyer, located in the container’s neck, features four uniquely shaped slots, including one universal slot with a bevelled edge for contactless removal of all cannula types. The needle destroyer is recessed 5mm below the main surface, preventing contact between the lid’s inner surface and biomaterial on the needle destroyer, thus avoiding contamination. A screw-on lid covers the needle destroyer between uses, preventing aerosol contamination. The container is suitable for up to three days of use.
G-shaped cutouts on the sides allow for secure horizontal placement. A biologically hazardous symbol is molded directly onto the container. A color-coded label indicates the waste hazard class and provides space for additional waste marking. The container features a 20x30mm minimum needle destroyer opening with a minimum thickness of 1.5mm. It has an 8-year shelf life when stored in the manufacturer’s packaging. Packaging is via polyethylene pallet.
This easy-to-use container is supplied fully assembled and ideal for small clinics, dentists’ offices, FAPs, medical centers, and emergency medical kits. Each pack contains 10 units. (Note: original text states 35 units in a pack. This discrepancy needs to be resolved for accuracy.)
Instructions for Use:
- Remove the lid.
- Secure the container on a stable work surface for one-handed operation.
- Dispose of needles and sharp instruments through the needle destroyer, holding the container by the neck.
- Replace the lid between uses.
- Fill the container to the “FILLING LINE” maximum.
- Close the lid after use.
- Dispose of the container according to local regulations.
- Do not puncture the container.
- Do not compact or compress the contents.
Warranty Disclaimer:
The warranty is void if the container is used beyond its expiration date, misused, improperly stored, or damaged due to user error.
Medical waste container, sharps container, needle destroyer, medical waste disposal, puncture-resistant, hermetic seal, biohazard, SanPiN, healthcare waste, clinical waste, disposable, yellow container, Oldans, 2 liter, 10 pack, FAP, clinic, dentist, emergency medical kit