Title: XL Urological Underwear with Drainage Bag Pocket
Description: Men’s underwear shorts with a discreet pocket designed for comfortable urinary catheterization. Urinary catheters are flexible tubes used to drain urine from the bladder. Drainage can occur directly into a toilet, similar to natural urination, or into a urine collection bag. Catheters are most commonly inserted through the urethra, the tube leading to the bladder, or, in specific cases, suprapubically via a small incision in the lower abdomen.
There are two main types of urinary catheters: Foley catheters (indwelling catheters) are inserted into the bladder via the urethra and allow urine to flow continuously into a drainage bag. These catheters remain in place for extended periods, secured by an inflatable balloon within the bladder. Single-use catheters (e.g., Nelaton, Tiemann) are used for intermittent self-catheterization. These are temporarily inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine and then removed.
A continuous catheter connects to a drainage bag via tubing, allowing urine to drain into the bag, which is emptied using a drainage valve. The catheter does not need to be changed. The drainage bag can be secured to the leg with straps or hung near the bed using a hook during sleep. Single-use catheters are suitable for individuals who don’t require continuous catheterization or prefer not to use a drainage bag. A single-use catheter is inserted into the urethra only when needed to drain the bladder and then removed afterward. This procedure can be repeated several times a day, depending on individual needs and urine volume. These comfortable and discreet XL underwear provide a secure and convenient solution for men managing urinary catheterization.