Title: Xiaomi Turok Steinhardt Anti-Blue Light Glasses FU006 – Black
Protect your eyes from the harmful effects of blue light. Exposure to high-energy visible (HEV) blue light (415-455nm) emitted from digital screens causes eye strain, dryness, and fatigue. Prolonged exposure can lead to serious consequences, including retinal atrophy, cell damage, decreased visual acuity, and even blindness. Furthermore, blue light suppresses melatonin production, disrupting your sleep cycle.
These Xiaomi Turok Steinhardt FU006 anti-blue light glasses offer superior protection. Utilizing three types of yellow nanomaterials, they effectively absorb and reflect up to 60% of harmful blue light. Advanced chromatics correction technology ensures accurate color rendition while blocking harmful wavelengths. Crafted from durable and flexible PEI (polyetherimide) material by General Electric, these glasses provide long-lasting comfort and protection for your eyes. Experience clear vision and improved sleep with Xiaomi Turok Steinhardt FU006 anti-blue light glasses.