Title: Xiao Shi Bao Elixir: Traditional Chinese Medicine for Digestive Health (5 Packs)
Experience the power of traditional Chinese medicine with Xiao Shi Bao Elixir, a natural digestive aid formulated to support healthy gut function. This highly effective formula, from Li West, strengthens the stomach and spleen, promoting healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Xiao Shi Bao harmonizes spleen and stomach function, strengthens Qi, reduces stomach heat, alleviates food stagnation, and clears heat and toxins from the Yangming meridian. It nourishes the Qi and Yin of the lungs and stomach, dries dampness, reduces night sweats (Zi han), strengthens the spleen and lungs, moisturizes the intestines, relieves coughs, and cools hot hands and feet. By correcting the transformative and transport functions of the stomach and spleen, Xiao Shi Bao supports the overall health and balance of the Zang-Fu organs. Includes 5 convenient packs.