Title: Xiao Pi Concentrate: Overcome Fatigue, Exhaustion & Sleep Disorders (3 Packs)
Enhanced Description
Experience renewed vitality with Xiao Pi Concentrate from Li West. This powerful tonic is formulated with a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients to effectively combat fatigue, exhaustion, and sleep disturbances. Perfect for preventing and treating symptoms of overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome, and aiding post-exercise recovery.
Key Benefits
- Combats Fatigue & Exhaustion: Effectively addresses the symptoms of both acute and chronic fatigue, restoring energy and vitality.
- Improves Sleep Quality: Helps alleviate sleep disturbances associated with fatigue, promoting restful sleep.
- Boosts Immunity: Strengthens the body’s natural defenses against illness.
- Supports Digestive Health: Optimizes digestion and nutrient absorption, improving overall well-being.
- Enhances Mood & Reduces Anxiety: Alleviates irritability, anxiety, and restlessness often linked to fatigue.
- Relieves Physical Discomfort: Reduces feelings of heaviness, aches, and pains in the limbs and body.
- Improves Circulation: Supports healthy blood circulation and blood cell production.
Herbal Formula
This potent concentrate features a traditional blend of carefully selected herbs including astragalus root, true ginseng root, and salvia root, known for their revitalizing and restorative properties.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective
Xiao Pi Concentrate warms and clears meridians, nourishes the spleen, strengthens and moistens the lungs, replenishes Qi, removes stagnation, generates, nourishes, and moves blood, strengthens the heart, calms the spirit, and eliminates fatigue.
3 packs, each containing 10 sachets (5g each)
This product is not a medicine. Consult a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner before use, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.