Title: ORDEKT Wrist Brace – XXS (11-12.5cm) – Customizable Low-Temperature Thermoplastic Splint
Description: The ORDEKT wrist brace is a lightweight, customizable splint made from low-temperature thermoplastic with a comfortable polyurethane foam lining. Ideal for wrist immobilization after fractures, its unique moldable design allows for a perfect, snug fit. Simply heat the material to gently shape it to the patient’s wrist; it remains comfortably cool during application and quickly sets into a firm, supportive brace. Choose the correct size by measuring your wrist circumference: XXS (11-12.5cm), XS (12.5-14.5cm), S (14.5-16.5cm), M (16.5-20cm), L (over 20cm). Provides superior immobilization and comfort for effective healing.