Title: Erva шерстистая (Pol-Pala) Herb – Lekrasét 25g
Pol-Pala (Erva шерстистая) boasts potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, hypoazotaemic, salt-removing, and radioprotective properties. This 25g pack of Lekrasét offers a natural remedy for urinary tract issues, improved blood sugar control, and more.
Erva шерстистая (Pol-Pala) Herb: A Natural Remedy for Urinary Health and Beyond
Erva шерстистая, also known as Pol-Pala, is a remarkable herb with a wide range of therapeutic applications. Its powerful properties include anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, hypoazotaemic (reducing nitrogenous waste in the blood), salt-removing, and even radioprotective effects.
Traditionally used as an effective diuretic, Pol-Pala’s unique advantage lies in its high potassium nitrate content. Unlike many other diuretics, it doesn’t significantly deplete potassium levels in the body, making it a safer and more balanced choice. This makes it particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from conditions like:
- Kidney stones: Pol-Pala aids in the breakdown and gentle expulsion of kidney stones.
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties target infections in the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis), and kidneys (pyelonephritis).
- Metabolic disorders: It helps manage salt imbalances associated with gout and spondylosis.
Beyond its urinary benefits, Pol-Pala demonstrates additional therapeutic properties:
- Blood health: It helps reduce blood clotting and thrombus formation.
- Blood sugar regulation: It contributes to healthier blood sugar levels.
- Immune support: It promotes a stronger immune response.
- Nervous system support: It helps to balance and support the nervous system.
- Prostate and reproductive health: Its anti-inflammatory action offers support for prostate inflammation and inflammation of the female reproductive organs.
- Cardiovascular health: It’s often recommended (with medical consultation) for elderly individuals to support metabolic function and strengthen the heart muscle.
Lekrasét 25g:
This convenient 25g pack provides a sufficient quantity of Pol-Pala herb for a month’s supply.
Preparation and Usage:
- Add 3 teaspoons (1.2g) of Pol-Pala herb to 1 cup (200ml) of boiling water.
- Steep for 10-15 minutes.
- Strain and squeeze out the remaining liquid.
- Adults should consume 1 cup 1-2 times daily during mealtimes.
- The recommended course of treatment is one month.
Important Note:
Always consult your physician before using Pol-Pala, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking other medications, or have pre-existing health conditions.
Erva шерстистая, Pol-Pala, Lekrasét, herb, natural remedy, diuretic, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, UTI, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, gout, spondylosis, blood clotting, thrombus, blood sugar, immune support, prostate health, reproductive health, cardiovascular health, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hypoazotaemic, salt-removing, radioprotective, 25g, natural supplement, herbal medicine, traditional medicine.