Title: Wolf Wool Ball for Internal Organ Alignment
Description: For centuries, Siberian peoples have revered the wolf, believing its fangs and claws possessed protective powers. Khans and chieftains wore wolf fur, signifying status, beauty, and healing properties. Even today, Old Believers utilize wolf fur in sacred rites echoing the practices of Tibetan medicine, yoga, and Eastern acupuncture. One such practice is the internal organ alignment using a ball of wolf wool. This technique, using 100% pure wolf wool, assists with prolapsed or displaced organs and restores fingertip sensitivity, working on a deep energetic level to benefit both body and spirit. Simply place the ball on your abdomen at navel level, lie on your stomach on a firm surface, and relax for 3-5 minutes. You may feel internal organ movement. Repeat for three consecutive days, until movement ceases. Discover the ancient secrets of Siberian healing.