Title: Keforma Whey Plus 80 Dark Chocolate Protein Shake (480g)
Indulge in Keforma Whey Plus 80 Dark Chocolate Protein Shake – a delicious and effective way to boost your protein intake. Sourced from free-range cows in the pristine pastures of South Tyrol, Italy, this premium whey protein is ultra-filtered to preserve its natural calcium and phosphorus content. Each serving delivers 24g of pure protein with minimal fillers, complemented by the rich taste of real cocoa.
More than just a protein shake, Keforma Whey Plus 80 supports a healthy lifestyle at any age. For young adults, it provides clean energy without excess calories. Athletes benefit from its muscle-building and recovery properties. And as we age, it helps combat sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss). Achieve your fitness goals – whether building lean muscle, maintaining a healthy weight, or enhancing athletic performance – with the superior quality and delicious taste of Keforma. Prioritize your macros with this convenient and effective protein solution, surpassing the cost and preparation time of traditional high-protein foods like meat and fish. Experience the Keforma difference: Italian quality, exceptional taste, and results you can feel.