Title: Waterpik Waterpulse V700 Irrigator: Powerful Oral Cleaning for the Whole Family
Experience superior oral hygiene with the Waterpik Waterpulse V700 irrigator. This sleek, touch-sensor device boasts a large 1000ml reservoir and adjustable pressure settings ranging from 0 to 890 kPa, providing a customized cleaning experience. Choose from 5 cleaning modes and 5 pressure levels to perfectly suit your needs. A convenient slide control on the ergonomic handle allows for precise pressure adjustment. The soft, flexible water line ensures comfortable and easy use. Safety is paramount; the V700 operates on a low-voltage 12V system (via a 220V adapter), making it safe to use in wet environments. Its compact design, with a reservoir that neatly covers the unit and a retractable handle, makes it perfect for travel. The included 5 interchangeable tips ensure the whole family can benefit from the superior cleaning power of the Waterpulse V700.
Waterpik Waterpulse V700, Water Flosser, Irrigator, Oral Irrigator, Dental Irrigator, Water Jet, Dental Hygiene, Oral Hygiene, 5 Modes, Adjustable Pressure, 1000ml Reservoir, 5 Tips, Family Use, Travel Friendly, Touch Sensor, Waterpulse, Powerful Cleaning, Compact Design, Low Voltage, Safe, Ergonomic Handle.