Title: Heavy-Duty Medical Rubberized Cloth Underpad (80×150 cm) – For Children, Adults & Incontinent Care
This heavy-duty, reusable 80×150 cm medical rubberized cloth underpad offers superior protection for children, adults, and incontinent individuals. Ideal for both medical facilities and home use, this durable underpad provides reliable moisture protection and comfort.
Key Features & Benefits:
- Exceptional Durability: Constructed from high-strength materials for long-lasting performance and resistance to heavy use.
- Sterilizable & Disinfectant-Resistant: Withstands repeated disinfection with 1% chloramine solution and steam sterilization (following pre-sterilization cleaning).
- Waterproof & Leak-Proof: Effectively protects mattresses from moisture damage, maintaining their condition for extended periods.
- Non-Slip Surface: The cotton backing prevents the underpad from shifting, ensuring safety and ease of use.
- High-Quality & Compliant: Manufactured to meet the requirements of GOST 3251-91, with quality verified by Registration Certificate No. ФСР 2010/07290 and Russian State Standard Certificate No. РОСС RU.НА34.Н10758.
- Easy Care: A natural talc coating on the top layer enhances comfort and ease of use. Simply wipe with a damp cloth before use.
This medical underpad offers reliable protection and comfort, making it an essential aid for both medical and home care settings.