Title: Vogt Medical 3ml Syringe with 23G Needle (10 Pack) – Sterile, Disposable, Luer Lock
High-quality, sterile, single-use 3ml syringes from Vogt Medical (Germany) – perfect for precise medication administration. This 10-pack includes syringes featuring a Luer Lock connection and a 23G (0.6 x 30mm) needle. The crystal-clear barrel allows for easy medication level monitoring, while the smooth plunger ensures comfortable, pain-free injections. The latex-free seal minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. Clear graduations (with extended markings up to 3.5ml) improve accuracy, and the stop ring prevents accidental leakage.
Key Features:
- Brand: Vogt Medical (Germany)
- Volume: 3ml
- Type: Three-component, disposable syringe
- Needle: 23G (0.6 x 30mm) – pre-attached
- Connection: Luer Lock
- Sterility: Sterile, individually packaged in a sealed sachet to maintain hygiene during storage and transport.
- Quantity: 10 syringes per pack. Ideal for trial purposes before purchasing larger quantities (100-unit packs available).
- Registration Certificate: № ФЗС 2010/06850 от 07.04.2017 (Russian Federation)
- Packed by: OOO “Company “Medical Case””
This economical 10-pack offers a convenient way to test the quality and performance of Vogt Medical syringes before committing to a larger purchase. Order your pack today and experience the difference of precision and reliability.