Title: VladMiVa Antiseptic, 30ml
English Description:
VladMiVa Antiseptic (30ml) is a dental adhesive promoter designed for effective degreasing and drying of tooth surfaces prior to filling, permanent prosthetic installation, and prosthetic surface cleaning before fixation. Its unique Angidrin formula contains a biocompatible additive that seals and protects dentinal tubules, creating a thin monomolecular barrier. This minimizes post-operative sensitivity from cement during crown placement. Free from diethyl ether and ethanol, VladMiVa Antiseptic is gentle on soft tissues, causing no discomfort if it comes into contact with oral mucosa. Its convenient, air-drying formula eliminates the need for compressed air. Suitable for both adult and pediatric dentistry, VladMiVa Antiseptic ensures rapid and high-quality degreasing and drying of tooth and prosthetic surfaces, promoting optimal cement adhesion.