Title: Vitamin E 400 IU, 60 Capsules: For Skin, Hair, Nails, Heart & Blood Vessels
Support your overall health and well-being with our high-potency Vitamin E 400 IU supplement. Each capsule provides 400 International Units of alpha-tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant vital for numerous bodily functions. Vitamin E plays a crucial role in:
- Skin, Hair & Nail Health: Combats free radical damage, promoting healthy skin, strong nails, and vibrant hair. Its antioxidant properties help protect against premature aging and dryness.
- Cardiovascular Support: Contributes to healthy blood vessel function and elasticity, supporting cardiovascular health by helping to reduce the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.
- Muscle Function & Energy: Reduces muscle fatigue and soreness, supporting athletic performance and overall energy levels. It plays a key role in energy metabolism and glycogen storage.
- Immune System Support: Strengthens the immune system, increasing the body’s ability to fight off infection and illness.
- Reproductive Health: Essential for both men and women’s reproductive health, supporting sperm production and healthy menstrual cycles. It’s also vital for fetal development during pregnancy.
Vitamin E is a crucial nutrient not produced by the body. Deficiency can manifest in symptoms like muscle weakness, fatigue, impaired coordination, vision problems, and reproductive issues. Our supplement offers a convenient and effective way to ensure adequate intake of this essential vitamin.
Take one capsule daily with water.
Vitamin E, 400 IU, alpha-tocopherol, antioxidant, skin health, hair health, nail health, heart health, blood vessels, muscle recovery, energy, immune system, reproductive health, men’s health, women’s health, supplement, capsules, tocopherol acetate, free radicals, collagen production, bone health, muscle weakness, fatigue, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause, cardiovascular support, cholesterol, blood clots.