Title: Myopharm Vitamin D3 (5000 IU/10 Drops) – 2 Bottles, 30ml Coconut Oil
Description: Myopharm Vitamin D3, a high-quality supplement sold in pharmacies across Russia for over 5 years, ensures consistent quality control throughout production. Each bottle contains 412,500 IU of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) dissolved in coconut oil, providing 500 IU per drop – a total of 1650 drops. Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health, supporting numerous bodily functions:
- Bone Health: Regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption, strengthening bones and reducing the risk of rickets and osteomalacia in children. Contributes to healthy teeth by promoting dentin synthesis, reducing the risk of cavities.
- Muscle Function: Improves muscle strength, endurance, and posture, decreasing the risk of falls and fractures associated with muscle weakness.
- Immune System Support: Enhances immune function, boosting the body’s natural defenses against colds and infections by stimulating the production of antimicrobial peptides. It also promotes cellular regeneration.
- Nervous System Health: Supports brain development, promotes mental well-being, reduces pain sensitivity, and improves cognitive function (memory, attention, concentration). It aids in serotonin production, boosting mood.
- Cardiovascular Health: Strengthens blood vessels, helps normalize blood pressure, and supports healthy blood clotting.
- Reproductive Health: Positively impacts reproductive function in both men and women by stimulating the production of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), increasing the chances of successful conception, and potentially improving endometrial thickness. It may also help manage obesity and metabolic syndrome.
- Cellular Energy: Increases cellular energy production (ATP), reducing fatigue and boosting overall energy levels.
- Metabolism: Supports healthy glucose and insulin metabolism by increasing insulin secretion, promoting proinsulin conversion to active insulin, and improving insulin receptor sensitivity.
Myopharm Vitamin D3: Superior quality, comprehensive support for your overall well-being.