Title: Paragon Complex Vitaline: 970mg Broad-Spectrum Parasite & Anti-Inflammatory Support
Paragon Complex Vitaline (970mg) offers natural, broad-spectrum support for parasite cleansing, anti-inflammatory action, and gut health. This comprehensive formula helps reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections, addresses parasitic and helminthic infestations, dysbiosis, candidiasis, deep mycoses, and gastrointestinal disorders including ulcers. It’s also ideal for comprehensive body cleansing programs. Paragon Complex leverages the power of polysaccharides, triterpene saponins, and organic acids for potent anti-parasitic activity against approximately 100 parasitic invasions (including giardiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, amoebiasis, and more). Essential oils and organic acids from grapefruit, black walnut, and clove provide antiseptic action, while caprylic acid, grapefruit flavonoids, and black walnut phenolic compounds deliver potent antifungal effects by inhibiting fungal respiratory enzymes and suppressing growth.