Title: Vilensky Splint Size 3 (Children Over 1 Year, 30-50cm Separation, 22-28cm Cuffs)
The Vilensky splint is an adjustable, telescoping device with a central screw and cuffs at each end. The cuffs, secured with laces, are positioned on the lower third of the legs. The desired leg separation is achieved by adjusting the length of the bar. This splint can be used independently or in conjunction with other devices (e.g., Mirzoeva splint, Koshlya splint) as a sequential treatment step. It helps regulate hip angle and reduces joint stress.
Important Considerations:
- Removal: The splint should only be removed for bathing. It should remain in place at all other times.
- Sizing: Accurate sizing is crucial. The appropriate size should be determined by an orthopedic surgeon, considering the child’s age, the type and severity of the anomaly, and the child’s overall activity level. Incorrect sizing can hinder treatment and potentially worsen the condition. This size 3 splint is for children over 1 year old, with a leg separation of 30-50cm and cuff sizes of 22-28cm. Other sizes are available for younger children.
- Professional Guidance: The Vilensky splint should only be used under the supervision and guidance of a qualified medical professional.
Vilensky splint, Vilensky brace, hip dysplasia, developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), pediatric orthopedics, leg abduction splint, adjustable splint, orthopedic device, child splint, size 3 splint, leg separation, hip abduction, infant splint, toddler splint, Mirzoeva splint, Koshlya splint.