Title: B. Braun Venofix A Winged Infusion Set with Extension Tubing, 19G (1.1x20mm), 30cm (10/box)
The B. Braun Venofix A 19G winged infusion set offers reliable and comfortable intravenous access. This set features a 1.1mm x 20mm needle with a beige (ivory) color code for easy identification. The 30cm (300mm) extension tubing is flexible, transparent, and kink-resistant, equipped with a Luer lock connector and a removable screw cap. Key features include:
- Needle: 19G (1.1mm x 20mm), chrome-nickel steel with silicone coating
- Flow Rate: 43 ml/min
- Extension Tubing: 30cm (300mm), flexible and kink-resistant with Luer lock connection
- Wings: Flexible and ribbed for secure fixation
- Dead Space: 0.39ml
- Latex-Free: Ensuring patient safety
- Packaging: 10 sets per box
This high-quality infusion set is ideal for a variety of clinical applications requiring reliable and comfortable intravenous access.