Title: Vacuum Cupping Set for Cosmetic Massage – 4 Sizes (11mm, 22mm, 33mm, 50mm)
This professional vacuum cupping set is ideal for cosmetic massage and at-home spa treatments. The kit includes four high-quality glass cups with diameters of 11mm, 22mm, 33mm, and 50mm, offering versatility for targeted treatments. These cups are designed for manual application, creating a vacuum suction that stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage. This gentle yet effective therapy helps to:
- Reduce puffiness and improve skin tone: Stimulates blood flow and oxygen delivery, resulting in firmer, more radiant skin.
- Address cosmetic concerns: Assists in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.
- Enhance muscle tone and elasticity: Improves muscle function and reduces muscle tension.
Benefits of Vacuum Cupping Massage:
- Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage
- Increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to skin cells
- Reduced appearance of cellulite and wrinkles
- Enhanced muscle tone and elasticity
- Relaxation and stress reduction
- Material: Glass cups with PVC bulbs
- Sizes: 11mm, 22mm, 33mm, 50mm
- Quantity: 4 cups
- Warranty: 1 year from date of purchase
- Shelf Life: 5 years from date of manufacture
- Cosmetic skin imperfections
- Signs of skin aging
- Edema (swelling)
This versatile cupping set is perfect for professional estheticians and individuals seeking a natural, non-invasive approach to skincare and wellness. Order yours today and experience the rejuvenating benefits of vacuum cupping therapy.