Title: Uralian White Kaolin Clay: Edible 500g – Natural Detoxifying Sorbent for Body & Skin
Restore your body’s balance with Uralian White Kaolin Clay from “Source of Life.” This edible clay normalizes your body’s acid-alkaline balance, repairs the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract, protects against viruses and harmful bacteria, and effectively removes accumulated toxins and waste. Ideal for detoxification during intoxication and food poisoning, it cleanses the blood and lymph, improving overall well-being. Experience its holistic effects: purifying your body and skin, and strengthening hair and nails.
Enjoy its mild, creamy taste. While some find it neutral, others describe a subtle chalky or whitewash-like flavor. The absence of harsh odors makes it pleasant for detox, cosmetic procedures, and wraps.
Versatility for Total Well-being:
Internal Use:
- Detoxifies the body from toxins, parasites, heavy metals, fungi, and viruses.
- Restores normal bodily function after metabolic disruptions.
- Supports the body as a sorbent during poisoning.
- Aids in weight management.
- Restores silicon balance and optimal micronutrient levels.
- Improves cartilage, bone, and connective tissue.
- Strengthens bones and joints.
- Supports immunity during colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses.
- Prevents various gastrointestinal diseases and maintains healthy stomach function.
- Facilitates a smooth transition after religious fasting and asceticism.
- Supports safe entry and exit from therapeutic fasting and Ekadashi.
- Aids intermittent and conditional fasting without setbacks or cravings.
- Boosts energy levels and overall well-being.
- Improves skin condition and repairs the skin after cuts and burns.
- Draws out abscesses and swellings through compresses.
- Cleanses hair and body during showering and bathing.
- Cleans teeth and massages gums.
- Removes plaque and tartar.
- Reduces gum swelling.
- Relieves toothaches and headaches.
- Creates effective cosmetic masks (combine with herbs, oils, or seaweed).
- Enhances therapeutic baths.
- Ideal for wraps (anti-cellulite, varicose vein relief, tightening, detoxifying).
- Strengthens hair and nails.
- Enables clay massage.
- Alleviates symptoms of chronic cold and hunger.
Household Use:
- Purifies water from harmful impurities.
- Mineralizes and alkalizes drinking water.
- Cleans laundry and dishes.
- Nourishes pets and plants.
- Facilitates clay therapy and relaxation.
Rich in Micronutrients:
This white edible clay is abundant in beneficial micronutrients. It’s an excellent source of silicon, crucial for the absorption of over 74% of micronutrients in the body. Silicon deficiency disrupts metabolism and nutrient absorption. This natural detoxifying sorbent, with its complex of valuable micronutrients, provides zinc, calcium, magnesium, and iron for men, women, and children.
Suitable for Everyone:
- Those seeking to cleanse their bodies of harmful substances.
- Followers of healthy eating and lifestyles.
- Individuals undergoing weight loss or muscle gain.
- Amateur and professional athletes.
- Men and women wanting to improve skin, nail, and hair condition.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women, and postpartum.
- Children of all ages.
- Elderly individuals.
Exceptional Skincare:
A fantastic solution for facial and body skin. Use in wraps and cosmetic masks to reduce redness and itching, offering a rejuvenating anti-aging effect. It tightens and regenerates the skin, helping to eliminate acne, blackheads, pigmentation, and other imperfections. Evens skin tone, leaving it clear and radiant. Complements basic skincare products – creams, balms, gels – and various dietary supplements.
Impurity-Free Purity:
Our “Queen of Detox” White Clay is mined from over 45 meters deep in an ecologically clean region of the Ural Mountains. It undergoes thorough mechanical and thermal purification to remove all impurities. Packaged in eco-friendly containers to preserve its properties. Ready for use in food and cosmetics.
EAC Declaration:
This white clay possesses all necessary official documents confirming its high quality and compliance with food safety standards. It has official EAC declaration as a food additive.
Convenient Eco-Friendly Packaging:
Available in 300g, 500g, and 1kg sizes. We utilize eco-friendly and reliable packaging, minimizing environmental impact. Choose your preferred size and enjoy the incredible taste and benefits!
Achieve a healthy body and pure system with the unique, snow-white edible clay powder from “Source of Life”!