Title: Umbellate Wintergreen (50g) – 2 Packs Herbal Remedy for Urinary & Joint Health
Description: Umbellate wintergreen is a potent herbal remedy traditionally used to address a range of health concerns. Its properties are known to support urinary tract health, alleviating symptoms of urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, and bladder catarrh. It also helps manage ascites and various types of colitis. Furthermore, this powerful herb may assist in regulating blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes, reduce uric acid levels, and relieve joint and muscle pain associated with conditions like rheumatism and gout. Its anti-inflammatory action also makes it effective in treating burns, ulcers, and swellings. Umbellate wintergreen is believed to boost the body’s natural defenses, enhance metabolism, and reduce swelling caused by heart and kidney conditions. This listing includes two 50g packs of this beneficial herb.