Title: GC Tooth Mousse Strawberry – Remineralizing Tooth Mousse for Sensitivity & Cavity Prevention (40g)
GC Tooth Mousse Strawberry is a sugar-free, water-soluble, remineralizing dental mousse containing Recaldent® CPP-ACP (Casein PhosphoPeptide – Amorphous Calcium Phosphate). This unique formula, developed at the University of Melbourne, Australia, harnesses the natural protective power of milk to strengthen teeth and reduce sensitivity.
Recaldent®, derived from milk casein protein, delivers bioavailable calcium and phosphate ions directly to the tooth enamel. This process helps to:
- Remineralize enamel: Repairing early stages of cavities (white spots) and preventing further demineralization.
- Reduce sensitivity: Sealing exposed dentin tubules to alleviate discomfort, particularly after whitening or professional cleaning.
- Prevent cavities: Providing a protective barrier against acid attacks from bacteria.
- Enhance natural defenses: Stimulating saliva production to optimize CPP-ACP effectiveness.
GC Tooth Mousse is ideal for individuals with:
- Low to moderate caries risk
- White spot lesions
- Tooth sensitivity (pre- and post-whitening)
- Following professional cleanings or root planing
Key Benefits:
- Contains Recaldent® CPP-ACP for superior remineralization.
- Sugar-free and safe for all ages.
- Delicious strawberry flavor.
- Easy application with finger or cotton swab.
- 40g tube for extended use.
Important Note:
Not suitable for individuals with milk protein and/or hydroxybenzoate allergies. After brushing, apply a small amount to teeth and leave for 3-5 minutes.
GC Tooth Mousse, Tooth Mousse, Remineralizing Tooth Mousse, Sensitivity Relief, Cavity Prevention, Enamel Repair, Recaldent CPP-ACP, Casein PhosphoPeptide, Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, Sugar-Free, Strawberry, Dental Mousse, White Spot Lesions, Tooth Sensitivity, Professional Dental Care, Children’s Teeth, Adult Teeth, Remineralization, Fluoride-Free, [Add other relevant keywords based on product specifics and target audience].