Title: TTK A-3 Irrigation Syringe with Soft Tip (110ml)
The TTK A-3 110ml Plastisol Irrigation Syringe with a soft tip is a classic, indispensable addition to any home medical kit. Made from non-toxic plastisol, this syringe boasts a soft, pliable structure. Its polypropylene and plastisol tip ensures a smooth, pore-free surface. Designed for complete processing – disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, and sterilization (in accordance with OST 42-2-21) – it’s resistant to alcohol and alcohol-water solutions. Sterilization won’t cause deformation or cracking. With a capacity of 110 ± 30ml, it’s versatile for various procedures. Its skin-tone color ensures discreet storage. Choose the TTK A-3 plastisol syringe for a reliable, high-quality tool for home healthcare needs. WARNING: Do not use oil-based substances.