Title: TTK A-15 Irrigation Syringe with Soft Tip (400ml)
The TTK A-15 400ml plastisol irrigation syringe with a soft tip is a medical device suitable for both clinical and home use. Its high suction capacity and smooth, crack-free surface ensure comfortable and safe application. Made from non-toxic plastisol, the bulb is durable and reliable. The tip, crafted from polypropylene and plastisol, further enhances its longevity. Suitable for all ages and genders, this 400 ± 30ml capacity syringe is ideal for a variety of procedures. Its skin-toned color allows for discreet storage. Choose the TTK A-15 for a dependable and safe solution for home medical needs. WARNING: DO NOT USE WITH OIL-BASED SUBSTANCES.
SEO Keywords:
irrigation syringe, medical syringe, TTK A-15, 400ml syringe, plastisol syringe, soft tip syringe, home medical supplies, clinical supplies, medical equipment, enema syringe, body lavage, non-toxic syringe, durable syringe, safe syringe, home healthcare