Title: Triphala Shri Ganga: 200 Tablets – Ayurvedic Cleansing & Immunity Support
Triphala Shri Ganga (200 tablets) offers a potent Ayurvedic formula for deep body cleansing and immune system strengthening. This traditional blend gently eliminates ama (toxins and waste products), revitalizing tissues, boosting metabolism, and promoting overall rejuvenation. By cleansing the colon, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas, Triphala Shri Ganga normalizes digestive function. Improved enzyme production enhances nutrient absorption, leading to increased energy and vitality. Acting as an enterosorbent, it supports healthy lipid metabolism and appetite control through improved digestion, making it a valuable aid in weight management. Rich in Vitamin C and other vital nutrients, Triphala Shri Ganga serves as a powerful nutritional supplement. Take 1-2 tablets before bed and 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach, one hour before meals, with warm water or milk. A minimum 50-day course is recommended for optimal results; continuous use is safe.