Title: Nidco Triphala Churn: Ayurvedic Powder for Detox, Metabolism Boost & Whole Body Cleansing (100g)
Nidco Triphala Churn is a legendary Ayurvedic formula, harnessing the power of three potent herbs – Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – for effective detoxification, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. This powerful blend promotes healthy digestion, eliminates toxins and waste, and supports a balanced gut microbiome. Triphala normalizes digestive function, cleanses the intestines, and boosts the immune system. Its unique blend of five tastes harmonizes the three doshas, promoting internal balance and addressing a wide range of health concerns.
Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a rich source of Vitamin C, acting as a potent antioxidant, boosting immunity, and promoting cellular rejuvenation. Bibhitaki cleanses the respiratory system and promotes healthy detoxification. Haritaki, a powerful immunomodulator, stimulates metabolism, improves blood flow, and enhances cognitive function.
Triphala Churn offers comprehensive detoxification, targeting the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and blood to eliminate toxins, heavy metals, and allergens. It gently supports bowel regularity, possesses anti-inflammatory properties, and promotes healthy respiratory, endocrine, and cardiovascular function. It may also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Furthermore, Triphala supports bone health, aiding in fracture recovery.
This Ayurvedic remedy assists in weight management and improves overall vitality. Its detoxifying properties contribute to radiant skin, potentially alleviating conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and other dermatological issues. Triphala accelerates recovery from illness, surgery, or injury, promoting holistic rejuvenation and well-being.
Prophylactic cleansing, diabetes management, anemia, digestive disorders, constipation, arthritis, liver and kidney support, respiratory health, skin conditions, eye health, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fracture recovery, injury recovery, and insomnia support.
This is a dietary supplement and not a medication. Triphala Churn can also be used as a culinary spice. Makes a thoughtful gift for men and women alike. 100g.
Triphala, Triphala Churn, Nidco Triphala, Ayurvedic powder, Detox, Cleansing, Metabolism Boost, Digestion, Immunity Boost, Gut Health, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Weight Management, Skin Health, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Diabetes, Constipation, Arthritis, Liver support, Kidney support, Respiratory health, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Bone health, Gift, Men’s health, Women’s health, Ayurvedic medicine, Herbal supplement, 100g, Amla, Bibhitaki, Haritaki, Indian gooseberry.