Title: Trashi Namgyal Tibetan Herbal Powder (30g)
Product Description
Trashi Namgyal is a potent Tibetan herbal powder (30g) formulated to address a wide range of women’s health concerns. Traditionally used to alleviate symptoms associated with postpartum fever, including excessive sweating, body swelling, incoherent speech, and pain in the head, joints, kidneys, and lower back. These symptoms are often attributed to an imbalance of heat and cold in Traditional Tibetan Medicine.
This powerful blend, containing Cordyceps sinensis, is renowned for its ability to significantly boost energy levels, enhance vitality, and potentially extend lifespan. It may also be beneficial in addressing infertility.
Key Features & Benefits
- Traditional Tibetan Formula: A time-honored recipe passed down through generations.
- Supports Postpartum Recovery: Helps alleviate common postpartum symptoms.
- Boosts Energy & Vitality: Contains Cordyceps sinensis, known for its invigorating properties.
- May Improve Fertility: Traditionally used to support reproductive health.
- Convenient Powder Form: Easy to mix and consume.
- One-Month Supply: 30g provides approximately one month’s worth of treatment.
Important Information
- Consult a Professional: Always consult with a qualified practitioner of Traditional Tibetan Medicine before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have pre-existing health conditions.
- Contraindications: Individual component intolerance.
- Nature: Neutral.
- Dosage: One measuring scoop.
- Expiry Date: 2025
- Origin: Tibet
- Tibetan Name: Trashi Namgyal