Title: Natural Wool Back Support Belt – Dog & Sheep’s Wool – Pain Relief & Warming Effect
Experience soothing relief with our handcrafted natural wool back support belt. This wide, long, and luxuriously soft belt, made with a blend of 50% dog wool and 50% sheep wool, provides gentle warmth and therapeutic benefits. Perfect for relieving chronic and acute lower back pain and pelvic organ discomfort associated with conditions such as:
- Sciatica
- Lumbago
- Osteochondrosis
- Rheumatism
- Prostatitis
- Cystitis
- Muscle and tendon strains
This back support is ideal for individuals working in cold, damp, or drafty environments; athletes; those with physically demanding jobs; and outdoor enthusiasts (fishing, hunting). It’s also excellent for preventing lower back problems like:
- Lumbar radiculitis
- Neuritis
- Herniated discs
- Ischias
The belt offers gentle micromassage, improving blood circulation and easing muscle spasms and pain. Experience reduced back pain, improved blood circulation, and enhanced metabolism. Its generous size (66cm x 38cm) comfortably fits waist sizes from 38 to 64, making it suitable for both adults and children. Ethically sourced and handcrafted in the Orenburg region of Russia. Order your natural wool back support belt today and rediscover comfort and well-being!