Title: Binturong Aseptic Balm: Thai Brilliant Green Balm with Black Sesame Extract (50g)
Binturong Aseptic Balm is a versatile, gel-based Thai brilliant green balm infused with black sesame extract. This powerful formula not only effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms but also inhibits their regrowth. Its potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and regenerative properties promote rapid wound healing and prevent infection. Ideal for minor cuts, scrapes, and skin irritations, this balm offers broad application and fast-acting relief. Simply apply 2-3 times daily to the affected area. Use with caution on the face.
Key Ingredients:
Water, vegetable glycerin, black sesame extract, mangosteen extract, eucalyptus globulus leaf extract, bay leaf extract, hydrogenated olive oil, squalane, hydroxypropyl cellulose, sodium polyacrylate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, panthenol, niacin, sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, triclosan, potassium.