Title: T8 Blend Tayga 8: Siberian Berry & Conifer Immunity Cocktail (3 x 250ml)
Boost your immunity and support cellular regeneration with T8 Blend Tayga 8, a delicious berry and conifer cocktail. This unique blend combines the power of SibXP Complex – featuring 90% pure polyprenols – with the antioxidant richness of six Siberian berries, all cold-pressed for maximum nutritional value.
SibXP Complex:
This synergistic blend unlocks the cellular restorative power of 90% pure polyprenols, fir tree cellular sap, and the CGNC conifer complex. This potent combination delivers a wealth of vitamins, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and essential minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and copper. The high concentration of polyprenols (90%) significantly enhances cellular repair, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, and boosts energy production.
Fir Tree Cellular Sap:
Provides a natural energy boost, reduces recovery time after exertion, and combats oxidative stress. Rich in maltol (a powerful antioxidant), bioavailable iron, magnesium, phenolic acids, and flavonoids.
CGNC Conifer Complex:
Acts as a powerful tissue and cell regenerator, enhancing metabolic processes and providing overall body strengthening. It also serves as an emulsifier, ensuring a stable and homogeneous blend.
Six Siberian Berries:
Enjoy the combined benefits of cold-pressed juices from:
- Sea Buckthorn: Disrupts the membranes of viruses and bacteria.
- Bilberry: Provides direct antiseptic action on mucous membranes.
- Cranberry: Offers gentle anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing properties.
- Blueberry: Strengthens blood vessel walls and reduces swelling.
- Honeysuckle: A rich source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium for heart health.
- Lingonberry: Acts as an effective disinfectant and enhances kidney detoxification.
T8 Blend Tayga 8 acts as a natural antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and optimizing mitochondrial function. The berries’ quercetin and resveratrol further enhance the effects of SibXP Complex, boosting antioxidant protection. Sourced from pristine Siberian forests and produced using gentle processing methods, T8 Blend delivers the purest, most effective natural immunity support. Extensive research supports the safety and efficacy of all ingredients. This 3-pack contains three 250ml bottles.
T8 Blend, Tayga 8, SibXP Complex, Polyprenols, Siberian Berries, Immunity, Antioxidant, Cellular Regeneration, Cold-Pressed Juice, Sea Buckthorn, Bilberry, Cranberry, Blueberry, Honeysuckle, Lingonberry, Fir Tree Sap, CGNC, Immune Support, Natural Remedy, Health Supplement, Siberia, Vitamins, Minerals, Anti-inflammatory, Energy Boost, Oxidative Stress, Cellular Repair, Metabolic Improvement.