Title: Taurine 300g (300 Servings of 1000mg) – Pure, Supplement-Free Powder by Mister Prot
Boost your physical performance and cognitive function with Mister Prot’s pure Taurine powder. This supplement-free formula provides 300 servings of 1000mg of taurine, supporting immune function, enhancing mental clarity, improving vision, and promoting cardiovascular health.
Experience the benefits:
- Enhanced Cognitive Function: Improved memory, concentration, reduced irritability, and decreased aggression.
- Optimized Athletic Performance: Reduced cardiac strain, increased endurance, reduced fatigue, and extended workout capacity.
- Muscle Support: Increased muscle strength and recovery, reduced muscle soreness, and protection against muscle strain.
- Weight Management Support: Contributes to weight loss efforts by supporting metabolic processes.
- Lactate Removal: Effectively flushes out lactic acid, minimizing muscle fatigue and stiffness.
Ideal for:
Athletes, individuals seeking cognitive enhancement, and those looking to support overall health and well-being.
How to Use:
Mix 1 gram (1 scoop) with 100-200ml of water once daily before a meal or 30 minutes before exercise. For enhanced energy, combine with Guarana (Item #605979909).
Taurine, taurine powder, pure taurine, supplement-free taurine, taurine 1000mg, athletic performance, cognitive enhancement, muscle recovery, endurance booster, weight loss support, energy booster, Mister Prot, no additives, muscle strength, focus, memory improvement, immune support, cardiovascular health, pre-workout supplement.