Title: SWL-602 Wrist Brace (Left Hand, Large) – Rigid Short Immobilizer
Description: The ORTO SWR 602 wrist brace provides rigid support for the left wrist. Its durable, split elastic base incorporates ceramic-coated threads for superior strength and longevity. Two malleable aluminum stays—one wide on the palmar surface and one narrower on the dorsal—offer customizable immobilization within the brace’s pockets. This allows for precise positioning of the wrist in the desired angle. A wide elastic strap secures the brace, while soft edging and additional fastening straps ensure a comfortable and secure fit. The central elastic insert simplifies application. The ceramic-infused material is compatible with topical medications like creams and gels. Adjustable straps accommodate variations in hand and forearm size. Indications include: acute arthritis (rheumatoid, gouty); tendon and sheath injuries; sprains, strains, and ligament damage; wrist and carpal dislocations; post-surgical recovery.