Title: Swedish Nutra Skin, Hair & Nails Vitamin Complex – 500ml (33 Servings)
Achieve radiant skin, strong nails, and lustrous hair with Swedish Nutra’s Skin, Hair & Nails vitamin complex. This delicious orange-flavored formula delivers essential vitamins, hydrolyzed collagen, biotin, MSM, and other key nutrients directly to your hair follicles, skin cells, and nails. Boost circulation and nourish from within for visibly healthier results.
Our unique blend supports:
- Skin: Increased elasticity, hydration, and regeneration.
- Hair: Faster growth, increased thickness, shine, and reduced shedding.
- Nails: Strength and resilience.
Formulated with Coenzyme Q10, Biotin, Vitamins A, C, D3, E, B1, B2, B3 (Niacin), B6, B9, B12, B5, Zinc, Copper, and Hyaluronic Acid. This sugar-free, GMO-free, and artificially-color-free supplement is perfect for those seeking visible improvements in their skin, hair, and nail health.
15ml daily with food. One bottle provides a 33-day supply. Shake well before use. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.