Title: XL Underarm Sweat Pads – 20 Count (10 Pairs) – Reliable Sweat Protection for Men, Women & Teens
Say goodbye to embarrassing underarm sweat stains and odor with our extra-large sweat pads. These discreet, reliable protectors are your secret weapon for staying confident and dry all day long – whether you’re at work, working out, or enjoying a special occasion. Perfect for those with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), our sweat pads offer superior absorbency and odor neutralization. They safeguard your clothing from unsightly yellowing and deodorant marks, and their strong, residue-free adhesive keeps them securely in place. Each pad provides 1-5 days of protection depending on your sweat level, and they’re easily trimmed to your desired size. The hypoallergenic, fragrance-free design is suitable for men, women, and teens. This 20-count pack (10 pairs) features individually wrapped pads for convenient portability – small enough for even the smallest handbag. Made with cellulose, film, and adhesive. (Dimensions in cm are shown in the image).