Title: Sustarad Secret of Beaver Cream – Joint Pain Relief (50ml, 2 Pack)
English Description:
Sustarad Secret of Beaver Cream is a natural, organic, deep-penetrating joint cream formulated with native osteoblast and chondrocyte cells from Altai maral antlers, enriched with the milky sap of medicinal plants. This powerful cream provides effective relief from a wide range of conditions affecting joints, muscles, and connective tissue.
Experience relief from:
- Joint pain (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis)
- Muscle pain and spasms
- Rheumatoid pain
- Back pain (including sciatica and cervical osteochondrosis)
- Ligament and tendon sprains and tears
- Bruises, hematomas, and contusions
- Inflammatory processes in joint bursae
- Nerve inflammation (neuritis)
- Poor circulation and reduced mobility
- Numbness in extremities
- Bone fractures
- Scars and surgical incisions
- Spondylitis
- Gout
- Superficial thrombophlebitis
- Psoriasis
- Cellulite
- Age-related skin changes (sagging, discoloration)
- Acne and pimples
- Weeping eczema
- Hair loss (alopecia)
- Demodex mites
- Heel spurs
- Leg cramps
- Frostbite
- Burns
- Powerful anti-inflammatory action
- Effective pain relief
- Promotes wound healing and tissue regeneration
- Anti-infective properties
Recommended Use:
Apply twice daily for at least 10 days. Can be used as needed.
Key Ingredients:
Native osteoblast and chondrocyte cells from Altai maral antlers, milky sap of medicinal plants.
SEO Keywords:
Joint pain relief cream, arthritis cream, arthrosis cream, osteoarthritis cream, muscle pain relief, back pain relief, sciatica relief, natural joint pain cream, organic joint pain cream, Altai maral antler cream, anti-inflammatory cream, pain relief ointment, rheumatoid arthritis cream, spondylitis treatment, gout treatment, thrombophlebitis cream, psoriasis treatment, cellulite cream, wound healing cream, regenerative cream, bone fracture healing, ligament sprain relief, tendon tear relief, bruise relief, numbness relief, improved mobility, natural pain relief, organic pain relief, Sustarad cream, Secret of Beaver cream.