Title: Super Seni Plus Adult Diapers, Medium (30 Count), 75-110cm Waist
Enhanced Description:
Experience superior comfort and protection with Super Seni Plus adult diapers, designed for moderate to heavy incontinence. These breathable diapers provide reliable protection day and night, offering peace of mind for both active individuals and those with limited mobility.
Key features include:
- Superior Absorbency: A double absorbent layer with superabsorbent polymers ensures maximum dryness and comfort.
- Secure & Comfortable Fit: Double fastening with elastic waistbands and refastenable tapes provides a personalized, secure fit without compromising comfort. Re-fasten tapes multiple times without tearing.
- Odour Control: The innovative Odour Stop system neutralizes unpleasant odours, promoting dignity and confidence.
- Leak Protection: Internal leg cuffs prevent leaks, keeping you dry and comfortable.
- Latex-Free: Made without latex to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
- Wetness Indicator: A convenient wetness indicator clearly shows when it’s time for a change.
- Breathable Material: Allows for better air circulation, helping to prevent skin irritation.
- 30 Diapers per Pack: Medium size (75-110cm waist).
Super Seni Plus adult diapers provide the ultimate combination of absorbency, comfort, and discretion. Order yours today and experience the difference.