Title: Super Seni Air SMALL Adult Diapers (55-80cm Waist) – 30 Count – Breathable & Reliable Incontinence Protection
Experience superior comfort and protection with Super Seni Air SMALL adult diapers, designed for individuals with moderate to severe incontinence. These breathable diapers offer reliable protection against urine and fecal incontinence, making them ideal for immobile and bedridden patients.
Key Features:
- Breathable Outer Layer: Reduces the risk of skin irritation and rashes.
- Elastic Waistband: Provides a snug, comfortable fit without restricting movement.
- Refastenable Double-Fastening Tape: Allows for multiple adjustments and secure fastening without tearing.
- Double Absorbent Layer with Superabsorbent Polymer: Ensures high absorbency and neutralizes odors.
- EDS Distribution Layer: Enables fast and even absorption.
- Hydrophobic Side Barriers: Prevents leakage.
- Wetness Indicator: Shows when diaper needs changing.
- Waist Size: 55-80 cm (Small)
- 30 Diapers per Pack: Provides long-lasting protection and convenience.
Say goodbye to the worry and stress associated with incontinence. Super Seni Air diapers offer unparalleled overnight protection, ensuring peace of mind for both the user and caregiver. The super-soft material and comfortable small size provide exceptional comfort and quality. Order your pack of 30 Super Seni Air SMALL adult diapers today and experience the difference!